Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's All Good

All is right with the world when you can sleep
 with a Dora the Explorer sprinkler can

I was given an award, my one an only,  from Sonia at Gusty Writer. It is the Heart of a Dragon award and I was, of course, very surprised and pleased to receive it from Sonia, gutsy writer that she is.

The Heart of a Dragon Award is a
special award for the blogger who
inspires you and/or others to go
above and beyond or the blogger
who helps keep us all connected.

Here are the rules.
1. Post the award on your site with a link to the person who gave it to you.
2. Pass it on to the blogger(s) who inspire you and list why they are receiving the award.
3. Post a comment on their blog.

I knew immediately that I wanted to offer this award to Betty at A Glimpse into Midlife. She is an awsome blogger friend and she more than fulfills the requisites of the award. She is authentic and insightful. She has encouraged me and tutored me, always going above and beyond. Please visit her today.


  1. Awe Jeanie, thank you so much!! It is with pleasure that I accept this from you. Even though we have just gotten to "know" each other recently I think it will be friendship that will last. I wish I could give it back to you, because you do inspire me with your writing! :)

  2. Oh, I forgot, I LOVE that picture of your granddaughter with the sprinkler can. Adorable!!

  3. Your granddaughter is absolutely precious! I miss those days, but am not yet ready for them to come back right now!

    Betty has inspired me, as well!

  4. congrats on your award!!! will check our your blog friend!

  5. Seeing that gorgeous picture in my blog roll made me smile :-)
