It has been a tough year for Addison, the 6 year old son of my daughter's friend, Sarah. Last April Addison was diagnosed with Leukemia. Since the diagnosis he has gone through 6 months of very intense and difficult treatment. He has endured chemotherapy, numerous spinal taps, steroids with all the side effects, seven transfusions and many, many blood tests. During this treatment he has been mostly confined to home and the hospital due to a very low immune system caused by his treatment.
Addison has completed the most difficult part of his treatment, but will continue on chemotherapy until July, 2013. The phase of treatment he is in now is far from easy, but the doctors are allowing him to return briefly to his first love, acting. Last year Addison played the role of Tiny Tim in the Colorado Shakespeare Festival's presentation of A Christmas Carol. Addison will be back this year playing Tiny Tim in 5 of the play's 25 performances.
This is a step back toward normal life for Addison, and according to his mother, Sarah, being able to attend rehearsals has really lifted his spirits. He has Tiny Tim's limping walk mastered and says the "God bless us, every one" line with a perfect English accent.

It's the perfect role at the perfect time for a little boy who, in spite of a really, really tough year, is still full of courage and spirit.