Saturday, January 22, 2011

At Least My Embarrassing Moment Didn't End Up On YouTube....Yet

Image from Google Images

I've recently seen a couple of news stories about and seen one interview with a woman whose embarrassing moment was caught on tape and has become very popular on YouTube. She was walking through a mall while texting on her phone, oblivious to her surroundings. She tripped over the edge of a fountain and fell face first into the water. Not very fun if you are her, but hard not to chuckle a little about since she wasn't really hurt. In the interview I saw she was distraught and angry, near to tears, about being the subject of so much public laughter.

I can sympathize with her (a little) since I recently had my own very embarrassing moment. I was rushing in trying not to be late for my grandson's school program. I stopped by the bathroom and then rushed into the auditorium to find a seat with my daughter. As I ran across the front of the room and scooted into the row, my daughter, her husband, her mother-in-law and the woman in the row in front all broke into laughter as my daughter grabbed the long stream of toilet paper hanging from the waist of my pants. I was gracious enough to laugh with them until the show started and they finally had to shut up stop laughing.

I guess I can only be grateful that my embarrassing moment didn't get caught on tape and end up on YouTube. It was, however, a school program and there were plenty of video cameras there, so if you see my toilet paper adorned backside on YouTube just shut up know I am laughing with you.


  1. LOL! Sorry but it´s just too funny. I think if something like that happened to me, the ONLY thing you CAN do is laugh at yourself. The lady who fell in the fountain would be much wiser to laugh WITH everyone else, and not make such a big deal of it. It could happen to any one of us.

    Have a good weekend my friend!

  2. Oh my! I could see myself experiencing something like that! You have a great sense of humor, and it was a very good lesson to those around you (especially little ones) on how to behave when it happens to them!

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh hear about that happening, but never knew anyone...(o:
    You might as well laugh , because you are going to do laughable things in life. I think that fountain falling woman might as well laugh...she should have laughed from the very beginning, then it would not have been such a big deal.
    I have my share of walking into the mens bathroom...I usually wonder what in the heck a man is doing in there??? (o:

  4. I hear she is trying to sue the mall...because of her own negligence...I'm not laughing...really I'm not...

  5. Well, you never know when you will need some tissue! So funny, but embarrassing!

  6. That is funny ... and horribly embarrassing, I'm sure! Glad you're laughing about it. Way to make an entrance!

  7. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! (Laughing with you, not at you.)

  8. Oh my gosh, how embarrassing for you....snicker! Sorry, I'm not laughing at you only with you. I once paraded through the mall with TP attached to the bottom of my shoe but I think your story beats mine all to pieces.

  9. Oh yes, I saw this video clip! As for toilet paper hanging from my trousers, how embarrassing! Been there and done that too!

  10. There was a lady in front of us in the supermarket check out line. My husband, Art noticed the toilet paper hanging out the back of her pants and told me to tell her. I had to lean over and whisper to her. She was very grateful and we both laughed about it. It happens.

  11. I just watched that video on YouTube this morning and have to admit to giggling A LOT. Now I will be searching for your toilet paper moment :)

  12. Something similar has happened to me, too. But did you sue the school for having a bunch of people gathered together to witness your "human" moment?

  13. Awwwww! People in Colorado wouldn't put something like that on YouTube, would they? We are just too nice for that! ;>)

  14. That happened to my mom once back in the early 60's and my aunts and uncles still love to tell that story!

    Hey YouTube would make you more famous!

  15. Heeehehehehe!!! I'm the one that will stop ladies in such a quandary while others are pointin', laughin' and grabbin' their cell phone cameras.

    So glad your not to the 'Tube'!!! Made for a great post though :o)

    God bless ya and have an amazin' day my friend!!!

  16. Well we need more YouTube videos and perhaps you'd like to "fake" the moment and make it happen.
    Very funny Jeanie, but not when it happened.

  17. OMG how awful for you.
    I wonder if you will now get paranoid every time you exit the bathroom and have to double check your rear end??? lol

  18. Was that YOU????!!!!!!

    I saw that and wondered who in the heck...


    Just kiddin'.

    That's actually kind of a cute embarrassing moment! Thanks for the smile.

  19. Gah! Been there and done that. Have exited the bathroom with my skirt tucked into my underwear too. Anyone else feel that draft?

  20. I think all these cameras everywhere are a terrible thing! When I think of all the horrifying stunts I've pulled...

  21. I have tucked my skirt into either my pantyhose or my undies. More than once. And either a colleague or a student (*gasp*!) has had to notify me. Fortunately, I'm pretty good at laughing along...

  22. Oh my, my, my... I'm trying not to laugh and praying it never happens again.
    xo jj

  23. So funny. Thanks for the laugh. Hopefully if the incident does end up on You Tube, it will be only from the back and you can laugh wholeheartedly and pretend you don't know who the mystery woman is.
