Saturday, October 15, 2011

It's October Again

It's October again and I don't want the month to go by without a reminder that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We should all, of course, do a breast self-exam every month, but if you are not up to date on having a mammogram, please get it done this month.

I have written a number of times about my best friend who died from breast cancer nine years ago. We were best friends for over 40 years and I still miss having her in my life.

           My friend in 2001

These pictures were taken in 1964. My friend was having a high school graduation picture taken and I fixed her hair and went with her to the photographer. We were the same age, but she was brainy and graduating from high school a year early. For some reason I decided to have my picture taken while we were there. The best thing about the pictures is that they provided us some laughs years later about our hairstyles and the serious looks on our faces. Maybe we were just trying not to laugh at our hair.

Whatever you hair looks like today, put a smile on your face and do whatever you need to do to take care of your breast health.


  1. I have photos of me with EXACTLY the same do! LOL
    Very sorry your Friend has past. Cancer is such a thief!

  2. You two look so much alike! I'm so sorry about your friend too.

  3. I agree with you!

    btw, the hairstyles are pretty amazing.

  4. You both had beautiful faces and that's the main thing. Yeah, I hated those bouffant hairdos, made popular by Jackie Kennedy.

    I had my mammogram this year and passed.

  5. What cute pictures of you and your friend, Jeanie! I am sure you are amazed that much time has passed since it was taken. I am so sorry about your friend though. Good timely reminded though for our own health!


  6. This was a very sweet and personal reminder to all of us. I am so sorry that you lost your friend to breast cancer. I love the photos of the two of you. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

  7. Those were the hairstyles back then. So sorry about your friend. Many of us have someone we lost to breast cancer. Hugs to you.

  8. You will be glad to know that both Jared & Justin recognized you in your picture immediately. They just mentioned that your hair looks a lot different now!

  9. I am sorry for the loss of your friend and all women who have o fight breast cancer. sandie

  10. The pictures are beautiful! I can imagine how you would feel not having your friend with you. My best friend and I have know each other for over 41 years and it would be so hard losing her. Thanks for the reminder. I need to schedule my momo. apt.

  11. Nice tribute to your friend and great reminder to take care of ourselves. I thought I was taking this year off... maybe I won't.
    Like the pictures (o:

  12. Great post... it is good to have a friend like that!

    Cool hairstyles!

  13. Jeanie,
    You are so right...I actually got so busy last year I forgot to schedule a mammogram. I really need to do that because 8 months have gone by and I haven't done a thing about it....

  14. I'm so sorry about your friend. It's a nasty disease.

    And despite the hair you're both beautiful.

    xo jj

  15. Thanks for the reminder, Jeanie. My mom and aunt and a dear friend died from this -- I'm very conscious and glad you made a point of it, because it's so easy to take for granted!

  16. It took my mom too.Thanks for doing this .Awareness is so important.

  17. Wow! You were both gorgeous young women and you still are. I never could get my hair to poof out very well.
