Saturday, September 3, 2011

Summer Seven

Joanna at The Fifty Factor has invited us to join her in a Summer Seven, a list of  7 off-the-top-of-our-head happenings of summer. As exciting as I know you would find my summer happenings, I want to update you on the summer of someone else who has had a very eventful summer  Several of you have asked me about Addison, the now 7 year old son of my daughter's friend who was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 5, in April, 2010. Addison has completed 16 months of chemo and still has 22 months left to go until he is cured. Addison's new motto is "I don't have time for cancer". Here are 7 of his many summer activities that show how true his motto is.

 He was named the Leukemia Society's Boy of the year. With this title he has participated in numerous fund raising activities and speaking engagements. Addison is an actor who takes these events seriously and performs them perfectly.

Hiking with his family

Taking a little rest follow a fundraising "wellness walk".

There are good days and bad days and fatigue comes easily due to the disease and the medication.

Taking  his sister, Madelene, to Asthma Camp.

Waking up from a spinal tap to greet his friend, Bella, who is also fighting Leukemia.

Participating in the "survivor lap" of a local Relay for Life cancer fundraiser.

All of these picture are from Addison's Facebook page "Help Addison Kick This Thing" which has over 1000 followers. 

It is amazing to see how far Addison has come since the early days following his diagnosis and the beginning of his treatment. 

Please keep this amazing and brave little boy and his family in your thoughts and prayers. 


  1. Wow, how touching! He is an inspiration to all of us. If I had an ounce of his courage and fortitude, I'd count myself among the blessed. Best wishes to this young man!

  2. This was very touching indeed. Thanks for sharing his story. I wish him the very best also.

  3. He has a great spirit! Good for him for saying he has no time for cancer. A very positive statement. I'm sure he will beat it and be well soon. Wonderful post of 7.

  4. Defiantly praying!!!
    Thanks for letting me know


  5. He is an amazing boy. Such courage, such a great smile and such a wonderful role model for the rest of us.

  6. What an adorable and brave little boy. Thanks for sharing his story and reminding us that we should not take anything for granted.

  7. Bless this heroic boy!

    Tell him "Aloha from Hawaii!"

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  8. What a fighter! I'm also amazed at how a child can give back so much at such an age! He is an inspiration to all of us!

  9. Oh Jeanie, what a wonderful young man and a real inspiration. I big high five to him and many, many prayers for his full and complete recovery.

    Thank you so much for joining in the Summer Seven-- You made it very special with this post and I greatly appreciate it.

    xoxoxo jj

  10. What a wonderful, true-life story of family and encouragement. I hear of so many "cures" of leukemia these days, still I know it is a FIGHT to get there...Thanks for sharing this with us.

  11. What a good attitude for a little boy to have while fighting a horrible disease. The pictures brought a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes. It hurts to know of the pain and suffering the children endure.

  12. Thanks for sharing that (o:
    It makes me want to stop whining and just get about the business of enjoying life...and the many blessings I have.
    How close are you to your trip? Are you ready?

  13. Heartbreaking that a child must go through fighting cancer but his smile says he's up to the task. His summer reminds me never to take life for granted and to try not to complain if it doesn't go exactly my way.

  14. I am going to adapt that to my life -- I don't have time for -- my lung problems, deaeling with unpleasant work stuff...etc. Just do it! Be it! Go, Addison!
