Sunday, May 15, 2011

Women Drivers!?!?

Doc has a couple of buddies that forward e-mails to him on a regular basis. The e-mails, at least the ones I see,  generally fall into one of two categories, politics or the battle between the sexes. Doc and I don't always agree on politics and we, of course, fall on opposite sides of the battle between the sexes. He will occasionally forward one to me, saying something like "you may not like this, but it is pretty funny", or "it's a guy thing". (He always says "it's a guy thing" if I don't get something he thinks is funny and it really irritates me, but that is a whole other post.)

Anyway, I usually just read them, roll my eyes and delete them. He forwarded one this week titled  "Women Drivers." I actually chuckled at some of these pictures. 

I think I could laugh at these because I am a way better driver than Doc is. Really! Everyone knows it.

Who is the better driver in your family?


  1. This is not is Pam...saying that was a very funny post...scary if it happened to you though (o:
    My first comment was logged in as Tyso some how....crazy.

  2. LOL, I loved all those pictures! You can only hope no one got hurt in them but what a predictament (especially the one in the bottom of the pool).

    Our house, hubby hands down is the better driver (or at least I tell him that so I don't have to do any of the driving when we are together :)

    have a good rest of the weekend Jeanie!


  3. Darn! How did they get a picture of me with the gas hose dangling. I actually am ashamed to say I did that once.

    Only once.

    And it was a long time ago.

    And I still cringe when I think about it.

    cute post.

    I'm off to weep now!

  4. I've had a few fender benders over the years, but nothing like any of these. Hubby and I are about equal in driving abilities.

  5. I am the much better driver! My husband will even admit it. I always drive us at night. I always drive us over high mountain passes. I always drive us in snow storms. And if we are in the mountains, and it is snowing, you know I will be driving.

  6. I saw this one too - it was funny and it's good we can laugh at ourselves. I think I am the better driver - but he is the better one on long distances - I have a hard time staying up!

  7. Great pictures! I feel for those women. My husband is a better driver than me because he is calm, cool and collected. (I'm not)

  8. My husband thinks HE IS...but I am not the one with accidents and tickets.

  9. Doc and I, and Mary and you sound a lot alike. Whenever I crack a joke, she just rolls her eyes like she didn't get it and says "it must be a man thing".

    Mary has backed into our mailbox at the end of driveway.....twice. I have since taken it out and moved it 8 feet further away. She also cannot parallel park, and has trouble driving at night. Needless to say, the better driver would be muah.

  10. Ummmmm.... I'm afraid there's no contest in our family because I don't really drive. When I have to drive I won't do left turns and I don't change lanes. What can I say? I'm pitiful!

  11. Those are funny! My hubby is a pretty good driver but is forever taking the wrong exit/turn, etc. I act as his GPS or we would never arrive at our destination.

  12. Wow there's some real disasters there! Luckily I have not done anything like that .... YET. lol

  13. Jeanie, Why do we have to assume the car in the pool was a woman driver? Could have been a man or a teenager. Anyway, the last woman seems happy to have crashed into the boat, or perhaps she's laughing at her husband who did something so stupid! Great one! Tell Doc, "It's a gal thing!"

  14. Very funny! My husband thinks HE is a better driver, but I know otherwise... ;-)

  15. My husband thinks he's the better driver, I'm too busy hitting my imaginary brake to argue.

  16. I am by far the better driver. And when no one is around, my husband will admit it. I do most of the driving because he makes me crazy when he's driving (and he says my huffing and puffing and complaining makes HIM crazy). So it works out. Except when I get annoyed that I have to do all the driving. :o)

  17. Thanks god those pictures weren't of my car :-) I'm not a fan of driving but fortunately I've never had any of those kind of accidents.

    Hope all's well with you. xo jj

  18. Heeehehehe!!! We are both pretty good drivers but Shhhhh, we'll just let Farm Boy think he's the best.

    I don't do so well backin' a semi up with a trailer though...I do forward much better. Just sayin'....

    God bless and thanks for the laugh sweetie!

  19. Ah -- that's a question. In our space, it all depends who you ask! We both have our flaws and good parts, that's for sure! These are great fun!

  20. These made me smile and think of my mom! I've been told she was a terrible driver.

    My husband is by far the better driver.

  21. Sheesh...these pictures are CrAzY! I am a more careful driver than my hubby..or more cautious. But my husband is a pretty good driver...the one thing he does that gets me, is that he follows too close, and stops later than I want him to. Soooo...of course I help him drive from the passenger seat with all of my advice.....Ha! (:>)

    Thanks for your comment on my oldest daughter's birthday today. And a very Happy Birthday to your youngest daughter. I hope she has a great day....and you too Jeanie.


  22. Well, one of us has driven off with the gas pump in the car and I won't name names but it wasn't me!

  23. Ha ha...My hubby and I use the same email address and some of the emails his friends send make my eyes roll. I just popped over to see your daughter's blog to say hello. She has a beautiful family.

    Hope you enjoy the long weekend, Jeanie.
