Sunday, May 23, 2010

Retail Therapy

Photo from Google Images

I've got work "stuff" hanging over my head this weekend.

I think I'll just go shoe shopping.

Photo from Google Images

What do you do to clear you mind of things you just don't want to think about?


  1. I cleaned my jewelry drawer today and finally worked on the little stains on my carpet that I see and ignore. I'd like to do some retail therapy, but I don't need anything....

  2. I was just telling my son that is going through a painful dating brake up that I can read and it takes me away from my troubles. He says it does NOT work for him.

  3. I do live in Longmont.
    The fish story made me think of one I want to write for the girls about their Dad and his Goldfish adventure. Funny we both have thoughts of fish stories (o: Hope you don't buy to many shoes girlfriend (o:

  4. sorry about the work issues; that is hard to deal with when it impacts your "down time" like the weekends. hope you enjoy shopping and it can take your mind of work for a bit. I usually end up reading blogs when I have something on my mind. Sometimes I pray about it or put praise music on too

    hope all in all it is a good day for you


  5. Read blogs!! I do love to shop for shoes!! and Purses!

  6. Work in the garden. Except for this year, when I seem to spend all my time reading blogs!

  7. You must be related to Ella Numera Dos. Do you have a DSW Frequent Buyer card, too?

  8. I clean, clean and then clean again... I am a freak and I don't mind admitting it ;0)

    Hope your mind clears soon... and the retail therapy works a treat.

  9. I usually knit while listening to a podcast, but shoe shopping always sounds good to me!

  10. Shoe shopping used to do it for me-- Now I just take a very long nap.
    Hope things work out for you.

  11. I read or watch a movie....anything to change the channel in my brain.

  12. I hate shopping, so I go out for a walk instead.

  13. I have to do physical stuff...walking, working in the garden OR watch something incredibly inane on TV like What Not to Wear! Hope you find something fun!
