Is your signature neat and readable as your name or is it a less than legible marking that only you would recognize as your name? Those who study such things say that a person's signature is a key to understanding how that person wants to be seen by others or that it is a sign of how your see yourself in relation to others. For instance, a simple, readable signature means that the writer is down to earth, modest and unassuming. A large flamboyant signature may mean that the writer wants to be seen as more important than he/she is, or that he/she is trying to hide an inferiority complex. An illegible signature that could in no way be deciphered as the name it represents could mean many things including that the person tries to appear smart but won't listen to what others have to say or simply that the person is trying to impress others.
I have no expertise on the subject and don't necessarily agree with the above interpretations. I just don't know, but what made me wonder about it is that when I had a blog makeover done a couple of months ago the makeover included a signature at the end of each post......and there is now a signature at the end of each of my posts. It is a perfectly fine signature. It just isn't my signature and that has kind of bothered me. It's not that my signature is any better, but it's mine, and the one at the bottom of my posts isn't. Mine would be a little smaller, a little less round and it would slant a little more to the right. I know, I could just remove the signature, but because of all the HTML issues I had before the makeover I'm a little afraid to mess with anything, so I think it will stay there for now. So if you are going to form an opinion based on the signature at the end of my posts, please make the above mentioned adjustments in your mind first.
Do you have a unique signature? Do you form an opinion about a person from the way they sign their name?
I didn't form an opinion based on someone's signature before but I may now. LOL! It seems to make since. I have known people before that had an illegible signature and they were trying to impress others so there may be something to this...
ReplyDeleteI have a signature on my blog that is not my handwriting as well so I wouldn't worry that anyone will think that it is your actual signature.
Have a nice evening.
It is interesting that you wrote about this topic. I just spent a week or so processing registration papers for the next school year. Each of the 1200 registrations had to be signed by a parent or guardian. There were some beautiful signatures, as well as the kind you see on prescriptions!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Have a wonderful week!
Signatures are supposed to be illegible or fun, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteI don't judge people on their signatures, because I have 'issues' with my own. I used to be left handed back in the early 50s when I was starting school, but somewhere along the way a teacher decided to 'change' me. If I remember correctly, at the time being left-handed was a horrid thing to be because everything in life would be against me (scissors, etc.). So they made me practice and use my right hand. And now, at age 61, I write what looks like a left-hander's handwriting, slanted backwards. In looking back at a few letters or signatures at school age, I see that I tried writing with a 'forward slant', but it just didn't have a natural feel.
ReplyDeleteI don't enjoy using a pen so I try to minimize the effort involved to sign my name.
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting to know. I thought the signature was yours. I have seen so many signatures over the years that I could not ever read, hubby's is like that. My signature is clear as a bell. Everyone can read it. I think I like that. I never thought about it but you gave me something to think about.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I spent a long time playing around with my blog signature and I think I picked the one that best represents me, and what I wish to project to my readers. Did you not get a chance to play around with different signatures, before selecting your blog one?
ReplyDeleteAlso, my real signature seems to change from year to year. Even the bank didn't believe it was the same one from 5 years ago, so what does that say? Great interesting subject.
I'm a lefty and my signature is very strait~up, neat( heeehe, if ya know me it's gonna be neat)rounded and a modest size. Hubby's is like hen scratchin's. He tries to convince me it's a sign of intelligence since ya can't read a doctor's signature and all. I'm not buyin'!
ReplyDeleteYa'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!
I've read books on handwriting analysis and I find it we're all the same species and yet each and every one of us has handwriting that is our own unique 'signature'. I find body language equally as fascinating. With that said, I am told I have beautiful handwriting. And what's so amazing about THAT is I'm left-handed and lefties are known for having horrible writing. My dad was a leftie and his was really messed up. He was born in 1921 and when he went to grade school they tied his left hand to the back of the chair and forced him to write with his right hand. He eventually went back to writing left-handed because it was 'natural' to him. I used to get penmanship awards thru grade school. Most of my 'writing' is done on keyboards now...I rarely even write checks. Sometimes, as I watch myself write, I look so awkward to myself because 90% of you out there are right-handed. I'm used to watching you write or throw or do whatever with your right hands. We lefties are a rather elite group! :-D
ReplyDeleteI have Catholic School Handwriting...which we practice everyday....
ReplyDeleteThe look of my signature depends if I'm writing on paper or those computerized credit card screen-- then it just looks like scribble.
ReplyDeleteHope all is well with you Jeanie. I've been on the run lately and I'm just catching up. now I'm off to read what I missed.
This is an interesting post. I used to write my signature very legibly, but then I thought it would be too easy to forge so now it's a jumble with just the first letters of my name being legible. I guess that says I'm paranoid about fraud and identity theft.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm going to start looking at signatures! LOL Mine is pretty unassuming, but my husband's looks like he went to doctor school (completely illegible).
ReplyDeleteI always get annoyed at those people who dot their i's with circles or little hearts though.
My signature is very boring and written in exactly the same way that I write - I always wanted a new one but kept forgetting when I signed things!!
ReplyDeleteMy signature is unassuming and plain - like me.
ReplyDeleteI have a signature on my blog now too. It's strange to look at it. It feels like a forgery.
Mine starts out strong, then tails off illegibly. I think that means I'm lazy, don't you?
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