Saturday, February 9, 2013

Old Men and E-Mail

Doc has a couple of friends that send him e-mails pretty much every know the kind, jokes, funny pictures and so forth like we all get from time to time. Every so often I hear him chuckling and a few minutes later he'll say "I forwarded a funny e-mail to you." What I have figured out from this is that I don't usually have the same sense of humor that e-mailing old men have. Most of the e-mails they share seem to be jokes about women or jokes about politics or politicians that they oppose, with a little sex or nudity thrown in from time to time. Since I have had a sort of ho-hum week, in other words not much to write about, I am sharing some pics from an e-mail titled You Had One Job, that Doc forwarded that actually made me chuckle.


We are getting some light snow this afternoon, with a couple of inches expected overnight. It is certainly nothing like the east coast is going through. As I have watched the overblown news coverage of the east coast storm I don't know who to feel sorrier for......the cable news people who are reporting from the middle of a real blizzard or those who have to come up with  some kind of storm story when the place they got assigned to only got a couple of inches of snow.


BTW, it is probably best if it doesn't get back to Doc that I referred to him and his e-mailing friends as old men.                                                                 


  1. Guurl, I totally understand what you're saying. Mister forwards emails to me occasionally and we definitely don't laugh at the same things. Your secret is safe with me.

  2. Well these were funny to this "Old Man" and proud of it.

  3. I did think these were funny too - Rust free with rust! About the truth. sandie

  4. Love this you only had one job; too cute of pictures!! Batman (Superman) made me laugh outloud :)

    Mum's the word about referring to Doc :)

    I know, I question the wisdom of some reporters that report in the midst of a blizzard or hurricane, what are they thinking??


  5. Lol funny... Men do have a different sense of humor... Mums the word

  6. I LOVED these pictures! So funny! My in-laws in Boston told me that the storm was bad but they were prepared. It will take another day for them to shovel out.

  7. I LOVED these pictures! So funny! My in-laws in Boston told me that the storm was bad but they were prepared. It will take another day for them to shovel out.

  8. These pix are funnier than the typical stuff I used to get. Happy to say the amount of this sort of email reaching me has gone way down. Maybe gmail is filtering it.

  9. Don't worry - I won't breath a word to Doc! I had to laugh at some of those photos and captions - the irony of it! It was so cold here this AM, Jeanie - kind of damp-cold which is unusual. I nearly froze skiing and after we came home early, I spent the rest of the day in front of the fire. We hardly got any snow this weekend, unfortunately.

  10. Same thing happens here and I'm so glad he doesn't forward me EVERYTHING. Those pictures are hilarious and now I must forward them to him. I haven't told him yet that one of our construction workers referred to him as "the old man". Yikes! I know what that makes me.

  11. Those were good : )

    Oh the news coverage makes me crazy. On Saturday they actually had a reporter driving on the snowy roads with a cameraman beside her filming her drive. She talked non-stop about nothing and eventually got stopped behind a truck blocking the road. Do the news crews need to be out doing this? Adding to the mess already out there? I don't get what purpose this serves except to fill air time. Sorry for the rant-I can't help it : )

  12. These photos gave me a big laugh! Thanks for posting them. I'll send them to my mom.

  13. I have two friends who are constantly sending me forwarded e-mails. One is more on scenery, music, interesting scientific things which I prefer. The other is more raunchy. Often times, I just delete them.

    I don't see why they have to stick the weather announcers in the middle of those awful blizzards. I feel so sorry for them too.

  14. THESE are funny. But I know what you mean about a lot of them! I'm smiling, though!
