It was back to work for me after the Christmas weekend and I am very much looking forward to another three day weekend. I have managed to get all of my Christmas decorations put away except for the few stragglers that always seem to show up. It is always fun to decorate the house for Christmas, but there is also a good feeling when I get it put away for another year.
My 15 month old grandson, Beck, who was so smiley on Christmas was not so happy a couple of days later. He was with his family visiting Brandon's mom in Austin and ended up in the emergency room on Wednesday night with breathing problems. He got very good treatment and is feeling much better now. He did well with the breathing treatments they gave him but he really didn't like the hospital bracelet on his arm.....he kept pulling on it, saying "off." I am so thankful that he is better and they will be coming home from Texas today.
The foot of snow we got a few days before Christmas is melting pretty fast now, but it was pretty treacherous to take Dodger out walking for a few days. Sidewalks were mostly shoveled, but there were some here and there that weren't.
The streets were plowed but still very icy in places.
Here is what saved me-Yaktrax. The are traction cleats that fit over the bottom of your shows or boots. I had gotten them last year for Christmas and used them a few times, but we didn't have much snow last year. They have been a life saver this year. I would highly recommend Yaktrax if you live somewhere that gets a lot of snow and ice.
Now it is on to the new year with a family get-together for football and black-eyed peas on Sunday.
Go Broncos
I wish everyone a happy, healthy, good, rewarding, prosperous and adventurous New Year.