Friday, August 21, 2009

Dark Chocolate Reese's and a Failed Quest

While I was on the treadmill this evening, I saw a wondrous thing on the ad for the new DARK CHOCOLATE Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Yes, I did jump off the treadmill in the middle of my program and I did go straight to the car in all my treadmill-wear glory to start my quest. Three stores later, all was lost. I found plenty of Reese's, but, alas, not DARK CHOCOLATE. It seems that DARK CHOCOLATE Reese's has not yet arrived in Colorado.
I guess I will have to make do with DARK CHOCOLATE M&M's for a while longer.

And I do love having something to look forward to.


  1. You had me at "Dark Chocolate". Now I'm on the hunt for them too.

  2. There are coupons in today's paper for Dark Chocolate Reeses Peanut Butter cups!

  3. STOP SHOWING ME BLOODY CHOCOLATE WOMAN! I is on a friggin diet!!!
