Where does the time go? Time flies when you're having fun. The older you get the faster time goes. All of these cliches are admittedly trite, but they express some truth about most of our lives....time does fly by. Sometime a week goes by and it seems like I was busy but didn't really do much of anything, certainly not anything to blog about. On the other hand, it is these little things that make up life and looking back I see that the privilege of and the joy in being able to do these little things is a pretty big thing.
Some of the little things I'm glad to be able to do......
Kids baseball......lots of kids baseball. Five of my seven grandkids will be playing some kind of baseball this summer. I don't make it to all the games, I don't make it to bad weather or far away games. I don't even think that I was at this game that my 10 year old grandson, Justin, played recently, but I am glad to have lots of kids baseball games to go to.
Dog walks.....lots of dog walks no matter what the weather but especially nice right now with so many blooming trees and flowers.
A little Play Doh cookery with a 3 year old chef.
Learning something new. I have been taking Pickleball lessons (well, only two so far) but it is a lot more fun way to get some exercise than walking on the treadmill or using those machines at the gym so I think I will keep it up.
Another saying that is trite but true......Little things mean a lot.
What kind of "little things" have made time fly by for you lately?