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A - Anna. Anna is my youngest granddaughter. She will be 4 in May and is looking forward to her first dance recital.
B - Beck. Beck is my youngest grandson. At 19 months he is a bundle of energy who loves balls and is learning to say new words and putting new words together every day.
(Wow, this isn't so hard. Too bad I don't have 26 grandkids)
C - Coffee. I didn't drink coffee until I was over 40, but now I am pretty much a coffee addict....everything from the morning brew Doc makes to my favorite Starbucks half-flavor skinny vanilla latte.
D - Dodger. Dodger is our dog, adopted from a shelter about 2 1/2 years ago. This scruffy little guy has become an incredibly important member of our family..
E - Ellis. Also know as EJ, is my four year old granddaughter. A girl who loves school and her family and is already trying to read books to me.
F - Family. Family is the reason I started a blog-to help me take notice of and record the family activities and events that make up so much of my life. To avoid getting all mushy I'll just say I am very grateful for my family, each and every one of them.
G - Grandkids. Grandkids are a great reward for getting older.
H - Hope. Hope is my oldest granddaughter, 9 yrs old, a cute, complex, talented, smart and volatile young lady who keeps us all on our toes.
I - Indian. My heritage on my mother's side is Cherokee Indian. Just how much Indian blood our family carries depends on what story my grandmother was telling on any given day.
J - Jared and Justin. These are my 2 oldest grandsons, brothers who are 11 and 8. They are both sports loving boys who keep their parents very busy with their soccer, basketball and baseball games.
K - Kindle. I have had my Kindle since shortly after they came out. Though I still use the library a lot nothing beats the Kindle for portability and instant gratification.
L -Lilac. Our Lilac bush which hasn't bloomed for a couple of years is beautiful and full of blooms this year.
M - Mah Jong. I play way too much computer Mah Jong.
(Whew, who knew the alphabet was so long, but I started so I have to finish and I only have one grandkid left)
N - Nest. There is a bird's nest built in the retractable awning over part of our deck. This will make the 4th or 5th year that a nest has kept us from using the awning.
O - Old. I think I am reaching an age at which I will be too old to die young.
P - Politics. I have a lot of interest in politics but I try to stay away from political issues in my blog.
Q - Qwerty. I felt a little silly recently when I suddenly realized how the Qwerty keyboard on my phone got it's name.
R - Retirement. I don't particularly like the word retirement, but I am looking forward to being at least partially retired starting in July.
S - Sugar. Sugar is my dietary demon. I can resist lots of other kinds of food but I eat way too much sugar.
T - Tulsa. I was born and grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
U - Useful. Since I will soon be working less, I find that I am wondering if I will find ways to use my time that will make me feel useful.
V - Vitality. A trait I hope I can maintain no matter how long I live.
W - Wil. Wil is my 6 year old grandson. If the world was made up of nothing but math and baseball Wil would be a happy boy.
X - X-change. The letter X has me stumped, so I am cheating a little and wishing I could x-change the letter X for a different letter.
Y - Yarn. I am hoping that one of these days I will pull out all the yarn I have and start knitting again.
Z - Zee. Z is the end of the alphabet and I just want to say thank you to anyone who has stayed with me all the way through this to the letter Z.