Our Thanksgiving was very good and everyone had fun with our Turkey Fiesta theme. I didn't do a very good job of taking pictures. I was probably too busy eating. Here are a few of pictures I did get.
Anna and EJ made quick work of licking the beaters after the whipped cream was done,
just in time to have a little more whipped cream on their pie.
Beck thought a little pie was a pretty good idea also.
All the cousins drawing names for exchanging Christmas gifts. There are just too many kids these days for everyone to buy gifts for everyone.
After the pies were pretty well taken care of all the kids went to the basement to create their own reality show, Grandmom's House Got Talent. They had everything from singing to magic tricks to juggling.
The two little girls had an act called "Jump" which I think was just that.....the two of them jumping. Fortunately, even full of sugar from all the pie eating, they were generous in judging one another's displays of "talent".
The pumpkin flan my sister-in-law made was wonderful.
Which reminds me there is some leftover flan in the refrigerator. I may have to go have just a tiny taste. Leftovers are the best!